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Perspectives from a Police Wife: What is a Police Wife?

What is a Police Wife? We are the silent figure, standing in the doorway as our husband leaves for his shift. We are the ones who answer the million questions from family at the holidays when they ask, “Oh is he working again?” We are the ones who try to keep our family together when the world is crumbling around us and the evils of the world are closing in.  We are the ones who love with their entire being, knowing that their lives can change in an instant. In that instant, it could be a phone call, or a knock on the door that will rip our hearts straight out of our chests.  For most police wives, this is an everyday reality. Yet we are strong. We still go to work and give it our all. Underneath the soft, artificial smile, the fear and the piercing anxiety is still there. It’s there having adapted from our attempts to trample it down. It’s still there lashing out and rearing it foolish head.    From the previous sentences, you can only be thinking, “Wh...

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